Aric Press

Aric Press

For the last 16 years, as editor in chief of The American Lawyer and then its parent company, ALM Media, he has been the leading journalistic observer and commentator on the world of large law firms and their clients. It is a small boast to say that no other journalist, perhaps no other human being, has met with or watched more law firm and legal department leaders than he has. Now that he has left The American Lawyer and its family, he brings with him a unique perspective and market knowledge.

Press speaks well and writes better. He knows how to talk with lawyers and, more important, how to listen and draw them out. He builds trust and keeps confidences. Having watched firms thrive and firms die, he brings a wealth of experience, insight, and judgment to lawyers trying to serve their clients better and navigate an increasingly difficult market.

A graduate of Cornell and NYU Law School, Press spent nearly 19 years at Newsweek magazine (of blessed memory) as a writer and editor before joining The American Lawyer. He and his wife, whom he met in law school, raised three children in Brooklyn.

Aric can be contacted by email or phone.


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